SealFit c'est censé préparer à la sélection pour les unités d'élite des forces armées américaines, donc effectivement c'est barbare avec une grosse composante endurance et force mentale.
En principe il faut faire tout en une séance, mais il conseillent aussi ceci:
"Special Operators and serious CrossFit athletes who have trained their body and minds to handle tremendous loads will have no problem handling the load of the workouts as posted. If you don’t have the time, or don’t feel you can handle the load, then scale the WODs and / or break them into two segments as follows:
Monday / Wednesday / Friday WODs:
AM: Range of Motion, Strength and Stamina (can do run here if programmed)
PM: Warm-up, Work Capacity and Durability (can do run here also)
Once a week do the entire WOD in one setting for mental toughness development.
Note you can vary this arrangement as suits your schedule or gym. Some will do Strength/ Stamina one day, followed by the Work Capacity and Durability the next.
Tuesday / Thursday and Saturday WODs:
Do as prescribed, or consider a (or our affiliate WOD in lieu of the WOD.
Additional Rest Days: If you find yourself feeling worn-out, lethargic and down, then you likely need an additional day of rest."